What Are The Chances Lebron Had This Billboard Purposefully Put Up To Remind Everyone That Half His Team Is Injured?





That’s the only explanation right? I mean it’s a new billboard, it says The Finals right there in your face, and there is literally no reason to have a guy who hasn’t played for 6 months and another guy that has been out the past two series on it. Unless of course you have a brain and you realize Lebron probably made a phone call with his wife’s phone to Stern, telling him he needed a billboard for the Finals illustrating all the adversity he’s been through. I give Lebron a lot of shit but this one was savvy as fuck. Touche Bron, touche. Basically a 1 on 5 Finals when you really think about it.




“I was walking to the arena before the game, just trying to see my people, to see Cleveland, and I looked up and saw a billboard with Kev Kev and Andy’s face on it, and it looked like I was carrying them on my back, and I thought about that old story of Jesus, the times when this city only sees one footprint in the sand, that was when I carried them, also my wrist was a little creaky this morning, had to do 2 tylenol, write that part down”.

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