And The Winner Of 'Fat Bear Week' Is....

What exactly is 'Fat Bear Week'? 

It's an annual event held by Katmai National Park & Preserve in Alaska. They invite people on the internet to compare photos taken by tourists of their bears in Spring vs. end of Summer to decide who chonked up the most. The differences are often huge after months of crushing salmon. #gains

This year the winner was '747', which is fitting since he's almost the size of a jetliner now (and you can see the rest of the competition HERE): 

Here's last year's champ, Holly, roaming the park:

And a couple more thicc bears because why not?

Giphy Images.

From a Dept. of the Interior blog explaining the pre-hibernation vibe:

The bears enter a medical state known as hyperphagia in which they eat non-stop and can gain up to four pounds in a single day. Some bears can eat dozens of sockeye salmon each day, with each salmon packing about 4,000 calories.

If you want to see these bears stocking up for yourself there's a bunch of live cams positioned over key rivers HERE

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