BREAKING: Frankie Muniz Just Announced He Is Going To Become A Father #Hmmmmm

Wow, what glorious news for Malcolm in the mid….wait a minute

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JK, I don't think Katie New Bangs was banging Malcolm In The Middle. At least not this summer. Or at least not the night in question. I feel like that's something you blog about on your SiriusXM radio show (Chaps & Kate is must listen today at 4 PM ET just like Kate's blog is Must Read since it's about as honest and funny a blog as you will get on this crazy site, which is pretty standard for pretty much all of Kate's blogs).

I would love to get Kate on Podfathers whenever she is ready to hear awful parenting advice by two unevolved apes whose kids are only thriving due to the work of their mothers. If she politely declines, which she should to be honest, my one plea is that she doesn't name the kid Dewey because kids named Dewey are going to get bullied even if bullying has been wiped off the planet by the time Lil' Boy Kate is born, which is Kate's son's name in my mind until Kate announces it. Also if the baby is Frankie's, please raise that kid as a fan of his dad's Clippers instead of mama's Sixer. Both franchises may have a history of heartache but only one has this guy at the top of their org chart.

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That kid deserves to have some fun in the winter in between his calls to WIP about why the Birds stink.

While I'm here, I would also like to extend my Podfathers invitation to Frankie even though Kate gets first dibs simply because she is one of the craziest people I know (in a good way, even though her kid may disagree when she is trying out her stand up act to his friends and embarrassing the shit out of him).

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