Stanley Cup Stays Out Of Rangers Reach For Another Year

What’s there to say? 145:43 scoreless home minutes in the Eastern Conference fucking Final is about as piss poor an effort as it gets. The one fear I had coming into this game is the Rangers replicating Game 5 and that’s exactly what they did. Credit to the Tampa Bay defenders – they were great at making Ben Bishop’s job easy once again. While Lundqvist was putting on a show through 2 periods, Bishop could’ve been hosting a tea party in his crease. The Blueshirts could’ve done more. The power play was back in awful form. Zero net front presence and when there was an open shot to be taken, it seemed like they waited for a defender to hit before firing.
Losing is one thing. Standing around & watching another year of “win now” taken from you in your own living room is an entirely different story. If Lundqvist doesn’t lash out in the locker room or passive-aggressively in the media he deserves sainthood. Vigneault might as well have put him out as the 6th skater & let him help himself since no one else was. Wasting his incredible post-season is perhaps the Rangers greatest playoff feat yet. Don’t blame Zucc’s injury. Don’t use McDonagh’s broken foot or Staal’s rumored broken ankle as excuses. There’s plenty of other guys in Rangers sweaters that found ways to win all year long. To not even put up a Game 7 fight falls on everyone’s shoulders. Congrats to the Bolts. Guess I gotta get the “Less Business Finished” shirts printed.

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