California Released New Guidelines For Porn That Would Require Actors To Wear Goggles For Scenes

DM – According to a proposed set of regulations in California, published on Thursday by the state Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, goggles could soon be introduced as a way of preventing the spread of STDs.

The goggles were just part of a plan which includes film producers paying for medical visits and Hepatitis B treatments and making sure there are proper showers on set.

The 21 pages explain in graphic detail the preventative measures aimed at keeping performers safe.

With regards the rules on Personal Protective Equipment, which includes condoms and goggles, it ‘will be considered “appropriate” only if it prevents blood or OPIM—STI from passing through to or reaching the employee’s eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes, or non-intact skin under normal conditions of use and for the duration of time which the protective equipment will be used’.

However some of those who work in the porn industry believe the measures are a little extreme.

In a statement, the Free Speech Coalition said: ‘These are regulations designed for medical settings, and are unworkable on an adult film set – or even a Hollywood film set.’


Interesting move, California. There’s a decent chance California legislators just want to get rid of porn entirely so they think putting absurd limits on filming adult movies might just force porn studious out of the state to somewhere a little generous of flesh entirely. But given how out of touch most politicians and lawmakers are, there’s an equally decent chance that they think this wouldn’t ruin porn forever. In theory, couldn’t guys still jerk off to a porn even if everyone was wearing full weapons grade gas masks? Because I know there are some girls I’ve seen during my occasional dab in the adult cinematic arts that have a banging body but I definitely wouldn’t mind if they had their face covered like Bioshock. It’s definitely not ideal as a rule of thumb, but I could see it actually adding value here and there. Save on production costs via tax credits and save even more by paying just ugly chicks with banging bodies, classic semen goggles-based win-win scenario.


More importantly, do these rules apply to all of us as best practices for STD prevention? Like if I bring a particularly slutty chick home, is there a chance that I might need to dress like Scuba Steve and take a chemical shower afterwards? Are these porn stars just getting the download that I haven’t? Because I can tell you guys I’ve been doing the literal opposite for years here and have been wondering why I feel as if I’m slowly mutating as a result of gamma radiation and also why my dick shoots ooze that can create Ninja Turtles. Porn stars, man, they just get all the perks huh?


(Girl about to be really grateful for her goggles photo by Shutterstock)

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