Lesbian High School Chick's Yearbook Quote Is Getting Her Hailed As A Feminist Icon


Mashable – Caitlyn Cannon, 17, is a young gay feminist for the modern age. Her friend tweeted Cannon’s yearbook quote early Tuesday morning; at the time of writing, it had gotten more than 5,700 retweets and 8,800 favorites.

Cannon was inspired by a Tumblr quote she found, but changed the parts that pertained to a man so they matched her identity instead, she told the Huffington Post. “I was tired of seeing the same old quotes from popular books and movies and authors, and I wanted to call attention to a problem that women face.”

American women earn $0.78 for every dollar a man makes in this country, according to an April report from the nonprofit organization National Partnership for Families & Women. The pay gap is even worse for women of color; African-American and Latina women who work full-time are paid $0.64 and $0.56, respectively, for every dollar a white man earns.


I’m not going to say this isn’t a dope yearbook quote because it’s definitely about as much of a mic dropper as anything I’ve ever heard an aggressively feminist chick say out loud or in print. But I don’t get all the praise she’s getting. This is a perfectly logical take this girl has and I’m pretty sure that kind of “actual equality” logic isn’t one that most feminist chicks traffic in. This girl is outright saying the same thing that straight girls have said for years and gotten dumped all over for, namely that she doesn’t care about her own future, just that she wants to marry a rich chick to bankroll her life. But because it’s a lesbian trophy wife situation, it’s somehow better? That makes sense to me and my “treat everyone equally so we can all shut up about it” life goals but it doesn’t seem like it should be something hardcore feminist chicks would be into. You’ve surprised me today, ladies. We can build on this.


Also I know people have a lot of strong opinions on the wage gap but I’ll go out on a limb and say pissing on a high school girl’s Corn Flakes while her yearbook quote goes viral maybe isn’t the time to strike up that debate:


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