This Guy Is Way Too Happy After Being Arrested For Robbing A Bank


Mashable- In 2014, mug shots are the new Facebook profile pictures. Michael Whitington, a 45-year-old bank robbery suspect, has what may be the happiest mug shot in all of criminal-land. The picture, provided by the Denver District Attorney’s Office (surprisingly not provided by IMG Models), shows Whitington grinning from ear-to-ear. Whitington was arrested on Sept. 23 after allegedly fleeing from a bank in Denver, Colorado’s 16th Street pedestrian mall. He attempted to escape on a light-rail train, which police stopped after a few blocks and reprimanded him, the Associated Press reports. The happy-go-lucky alleged felon has been charged with one count of robbery and is set to appear in court on Tuesday. Hopefully court will afford lots of new photo ops.


Take it easy, bud!  Act like you’ve been there before.  Even if you have no remorse for robbing a bank, you should at least act like you do in your mug shot.  It’ll play better in court.  In a mug shot you need to look downtrodden and depressed.  Not depressed like you’re mad you got caught.  But depressed like society forced you into a bad situation so the crime you committed isn’t totally your fault.  Criminals don’t spend enough time perfecting their mug shots.  Every night before they go to bed they should practice for a couple minutes.  Some think they’re never going to get caught but that’s just ignorance.  But this bank robber here failed on every mug shot level.  He looks like he’s happy to be there.  Never good for a mug shot.  Those teeth are something else.  Very caveman-looking.  He’s a little too proud of them.  If you take a mug shot and the look on your face indicates you just won the lottery or a hot woman agreed to sleep with you then you’re doing it wrong.  Mugshot 101.


PS- The guy lives in Denver so maybe he’s just happy about all of the legal weed.


h/t brian

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