Vin Diesel Just Redeemed 2020 By Releasing The Song Of The Summer If Not The Century

We already knew that Vin Diesel don't have friends, he got family. But I had nooooooooooo fucking clue he had pipes made of 24 karat gold. My word. How someone could be the voice of Groot AND have the voice of an angel is way too much for my simpleton brain to process (even though you can't unhear that song sounding like it's actually Groot singing after he took a couple of vocab classes). 

Don't let anybody try to tell you that a man named Vin Diesel is too big and macho to sing a sensitive club song. You know why? Because WE are Groot. Vin Diesel said that, so you know it's true.

h/t Kyle

UPDATE: First it was the bolivian jokes. Then it was getting called out for "misspelling" the word cuncel. And now the song of the summer at any part of the year running gag has been called out. I've never felt older than seeing all these Barstool classics go way over the comment section's respective head

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