Does Tom Brady Look Nervous? Introducing Scooby His New Puppy




FUCK YOU GOODELL!   I hope you choke on a hot dog this weekend you miserable fuck and Kensil has to give you mouth to mouth and your true colors come out and you two start sticking your tongues down each others throats like the gayballs you are.    Bottomline is you don’t make Tom Brady nervous.  Tom Brady makes you nervous.   Guy is buying puppies and spending his Memorial Day somewhere exotic doing exotic things that you can only dream about without a care in the world.  That’s because he knows the members of the Night’s Watch stand guard at all times.


PS – While I’m always in favor of Free Brady protests at all times, today’s at Gillette is sort of ridiculous timing.  I mean the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend?  Umm how about mid week at Government Center at lunch time.    Wait did i just invent another great idea?





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