These Firefighters Who Put Little Oxygen Masks On Puppies To Save Their Lives After A Fire Are The Real MVPs





Metro- Earlier this week, Florida firefighters saved a family of dogs using tiny oxygen masks. We repeat. Firefighters. Puppies. Tiny oxygen masks. The firefighters were called to a house fire in Palm Coast on Tuesday morning. After seeing smoke coming from his garage, Roy Casey, 37, had tried to put out the fire himself, but after failing to get it under control, ran out of the house with his young daughter. Both were later taken to hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation. Flager Live reports that after containing the fire and entering the house, firefighters also rescued six dogs, including two puppies. The puppies were also suffering from smoke inhalation so, with the help of neighbour Margaret O’Neill, firefighter David Lawrence carefully held small oxygen masks over their noses to help them breathe.



So when is the ceremony?  Ya know, the ceremony where we crown these firefighters the greatest people on the planet?  The ceremony where we shower them with riches and women and whatever else they want because they deserve it?  The ceremony where we talk about how great these firefighters are for saving the lives of these puppies?  Get President Obama on the phone.  It needs to happen immediately.  Talk about going the extra mile.  Or maybe not.  Maybe they just did what any one would do in that situation.  Any person with a beating heart would hopefully do the same thing.  Those puppies needed air after inhaling smoke from a fire.  I’d rip out my own lungs and give them to the puppies if that’s what needed to be done.  Who cares if I live or die?  I sure don’t.  Something tells me those firefighters feel the same way.  I’d even give the puppies access to the oxygen masks before any of the humans in the fire. Puppies > Humans.  That’s just science.  Whatever those puppies need, those puppies get.

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