Cracker Barrel Adding Alcohol To The Menu!

If Sunday's haven't already been made 100 times better with the return of football, Cracker Barrel went and really made a great Sunday even better. When I was on the road grinding out stand up weekends in every possible city I could, 2 restaurants brought me added joy. Waffle House and Crackle Barrel. Cracker Barrel just has a few items you can't really find most places. Like the hash brown casserole, and the chicken fried steak. I know chicken fried steak is available everywhere but theirs is just better. The gravy is unreal and just sets off the CFS. I'd go 4 days a week if I lived next door to one. 

How do you make a great breakfast spot better? Add mimosas, that's how. This should help push sales of all that shit they sell in that Cracker Barrel store they force us to walk through coming and going. I know I buy more dumb shit while drinking than I do when I'm not. I mean there is a much stronger chance I buy a rocking chair after 8 mimosas. 

Not only serving mimosas in-house, but also offering mimosa kits to go! Not saying that its hard to buy champagne and OJ at any other store but once you add the word "Kit" in there, I'm sold. I can't wait to celebrate this move and day drink at a Cracker Barrel some time soon. 

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