Drunk Bill Murray Rubs Cake All Over Everyone On Letterman, Crashes MSNBC Show, Then Takes A Hard Spill Out Of His Chair

Watch Bill Murray Crash MSNBC Show on the link below:


The Rock may be the most likable person on the planet, but Bill Murray is so universally loved he can fucking get away with murder. Seriously. Look at this dude. He’s drunk as a skunk. He dickishly rubbing cake in random stranger’s faces and they can’t get enough of it. If you click on the MSNBC link, he straight up crashes a live news set and starts up random conversations. A straight up ambush on a “professional” show. Anyone else would be tazed and dragged out of there by their britches but this man is allowed to do what he wants, when he wants. Bill Murray could have waltzed onto set reeking of Ebola while eating a live puppy and his balls would still be waxed by the hosts. Uncanny.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the drunken spill right of the chair. Forget about Peter Veinkman taking a tumble, that geezer in the front standing with the permanent “Oops I crapped my pants!” pose takes the cake. I hope someone guides him home OK.

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