Fair Play: The Guy Who Fired A Gun At Megan Thee Stallion Has Apologized, Saying "I was just too drunk."

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XXL - Following Megan Thee Stallion's most recent revelation that Tory Lanez was indeed the person who shot her during an incident in July, more details have emerged surrounding the situation.

On Wednesday (Sept. 9), TMZ published a report alleging the 28-year-old Canadian performer apologized for shooting Megan via text message 15 hours after allegedly  firing a weapon at her. According to the messages, Tory Lanez offered an apology before claiming intoxication led to the altercation.

"I know u prolly never gone talk to me again, but I genuinely want u to know I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart," TMZ claims one message read. Tory then goes on to state, "I was just too drunk."

As the conversation continues, Tory goes on to reiterate that drunkenness was the cause of his violent actions, "cuz I genuinely just got too drunk."


Fair play right there. Fair play. We've all made mistakes while drunk. Texts we wish we never sent. Words we wish we never spoke. Guns we wish we never fired. It's all in the game. Alcohol is a tricky bitch who can bring out both the best and worst in a person, often at the same time. You can be having the best night of your life and make a terrible decision. Alcohol giveth and alcohol taketh. It truly is the great equalizer. I'd say historically in my lifetime I'm on the upside of alcohol variance. One time I even talked to a girl while under the influence. Yeah it's true, I swear. A real life female. I conversed with. Multiple words. Several sentences. Crazy right?

But on the other hand, some people just get too drunk and start shooting at others. That's not good! You should under no circumstances get drunk and try to kill Megan Thee Stallion. You gotta be better than that. But I appreciate his candor and honesty in the apology. Because there's levels to things. What dumb shit you do while drunk is apparently not what Tory Lanez does while drunk. I shoot off a text, he shoots off a gun. Again, levels.

Also, I just looked up who Tory Lanez was. Turns out it's a Canadian rapper...whose real name is Daystar Peterson. DAYSTAR PETERSON. How is your real life name going to be "Daystar" and you CHANGE IT to "Tory"? Talk about overthinking things. I bet if he kept his name Daystar he would be way bigger. Nobody cares about Tory. People want DAYSTAR.

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