For the Bargain Price of Just $20 Million, You Can Own Shaq's Florida Mansion

After not being able to sell his Florida mansion for the original asking price of $28 million, Shaquille O'Neal has put the house back on the market for the low, low price of just $19.5 million. If this 34 percent price decrease suddenly brings this home into your price range, here are just some of the amenities you could have in your new home:

— 12 bedrooms
— 6,000-square-foot indoor basketball court
— 17-car garage/showroom
— 95-foot long pool
— Recording studio

You have to look at this damn place.

Shaq's *second* house looks like a damn top-end hotel at Disney World. It's moments like this where you realize how poor you really are. Shaq has a home with a personalized Superman movie theater that he's trying to just get rid of and I was psyched when I had enough money to get a nice TV to put in my 80-square-foot bedroom.

It would take a real downturn in the market, but at the rate the price of this place keeps plummeting, we only need the price to decrease by a third a few more times and we might be in there like swimwear.

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