Wake Up With A Nine Minute Dean Martin And Frank Sinatra Live Medley

^^It's tough to believe that this was the peak of entertainment in the 1960s but it was. And those guys were the best at it. They were the untouchables of their time in terms of celebrity. No one was more charming, more classy, and more talented than those two. In the words of Austin Powers, "Men wanted to be them and women wanted to be with them." They were legit considered sex symbols. What a time to be alive. If you don't watch any of that go to 4:48 when Dean starts snapping to "I Get A Kick." Otherwise here's the time codes for the rest of the songs. Enjoy...

00:00 - Love is Just Around the Corner

00:54 - My Kind of Girl

02:22 - But Beautiful 03:17 - Love

04:09 - I get a Kick Out of You

06:40 - Goody Goody

07:37 - Guys and Dolls

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