Australian Reporter Gets Hit By The First-Ever "Fuck Her Right In The Pussy" Drive By


Are people sick of this yet?  No?  Me either.  I love the creativity it brings out of people.  Simply walking up behind a reporter and yelling “Fuck her right in the pussy!” is old hat.  It’s what the people who don’t have a creative bone in their body do.  Not to mention you run the risk of catching a haymaker from a producer.  This is how you do it.  Drive by style.  No chance of getting caught and no chance of getting punched in the face by an angry reporter.  It’s flawless.  You also have to respect the reporter’s reaction.  A little smile because he knows full well what just happened but kept his composure.  The reporter’s who react and get angry are the ones that go viral.  You just gotta keep your cool and act like a couple bros in a hatch back SUV didn’t just ruin your report.  Jameis Winston would be proud of those guys.*


*I know the Jameis Winston coming out in full uniform while suspended got a lot of attention but I say not enough.  That was literally the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.  When I saw the video of Jimbo Fisher seeing Jameis, I almost pissed my pants.  The whole thing is ridiculous.  How did he make it out of the locker room?  How?  How did no one see him and tell him to stop?  It’s the funniest thing ever.

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