These Horses Having Their Sperm Collected and Sold For $10,000 Per Batch Are Catching A Tough Break

SOURCE – Prized stud horses are being put through their paces at an Argentinian lab where their semen is extracted and sold for up to $10,000 a batch. Top-quality sperm can fetch between $1,000 and $10,000 a batch, depending on the stallion’s lineage, with breeders lining up to purchase vials of the sought-after fertility aid. Cristian Sporleder, whose GeNeTec genetics laboratory has been providing sperm and frozen embryos for five years, said ‘there is huge demand for Argentine horses that play polo well.’ The 43-year-old former polo player and trained vet said embryos created using the sperm and ovum of top performing polo horses can be implanted into surrogate mares, allowing the female polo horses to continue competing without getting pregnant. He said breeders desperately seeking the ‘perfect pony’ can buy nitrogen-frozen sperm and artificially inseminate their own mares.


You really have to feel for these horses in a situation like this. If you’re a horse and you hear that you’re being put out to stud you’ve got to be absolutely psyched. You made your name on the racetrack or the polo field and now you get to live a life of sex and leisure foreign to anyone outside of the Italian parliament. Dime piece mares brought in from the world over for your pleasure, leisurely gallops around the grounds, and the most luxurious amenities money can buy. They’re ready to live the dream life.

Next thing they know they’re down in South America trying to get hard so they can wail away on a giant pillow in a dingy brick warehouse so some Argentinian dude can sell their jizz. That can’t be an easy transition to stomach. That’d be like Leo hitting it big with Growing Pains (and Titanic, I guess), primed to live a life of nothing but banging any actress and Victoria’s Secret model he pleases only to discover that he’s only allowed to fuck a fleshlight for the rest of his life. You gotta figure he’d have almost preferred to be turned into glue if that were the case.

PS: For 10 grand a load I give it until nightfall before Pres has Hank jacking off Smokeshow City and Weird Haircut Seth with both hands.

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