The Foo Fighters Surprise Small Fair As "Chevy Metal", Continue To Be One Of The Best Bands On Earth

This is what’s great about Dave Grohl and The Foo Fighters. It was, is and will forever be about the music. No fanfare, fame or money will get make these cats full of themselves. You can tell them to perform in a nunnery in front of only a dozen Helen Keller’s and they’d still bring the house down. It’s amazing. Can you imagine Kayne West showing up at an open-mic and leaving it all out on the line like this? Shit no. He’d require a minimum of a hundred fluffers to jerk off his ego before spitting a single word.

Of course The Foo Fighters would show up to a small, country fair to jam out. These are the same guys who are world famous but still went on a concert tour playing in people’s garages. The only way it gets more Rock N’ Roll than that is if they burned each place down in an effigy of booze and skanks. Seriously though, this doc on that tour is a GREAT watch.

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