Mets Fans, Start Your Week Off By Watching The Best Scenes Of Bobby Axelrod (The Character From Billions Inspired By Steve Cohen)

Good morning Mets fans! I know everyone may be a little down today because it's the last Monday of this weird coronasummer and the Mets lost in some of the most Metsy ways possible against the Yankees this weekend. But I am here to remind you that none of these temporary inconveniences matter in the big picture because the bad man in that video is about to take over our favorite team. To go from the Wilpons to pretty much about any other human on the planet would have been a huge W as Mets fans. But to land a man that not only becomes the richest owner in baseball the minute he signs on the bottom line but is also so ruthless, calculating, and successful that they made an entire TV show about him is the stuff dreams are made of.

I don't know what type of carnage Brodie Van Wagenen can unleash on this roster with the trade deadline hours away considering this report came out last night.

But if Brodie wants even the most remote chances of keeping his job next season, he won't completely fuck it up by trading more prospects for half measure fixes, if he is even allowed to. Because I imagine if a team is in the process of being sold, the next owner has to have some say on what happens with the current assets on the team. And if Steve Cohen is truly like Bobby Axelrod, he already gave BVW one of those Bobby Axe speeches in a loud whisper while putting his proverbial balls in a proverbial vice. God I cannot wait to just have a competent baseball team that spends money let alone one that spends money wisely because they have a badass mamma jamma that built himself into a billionaire running everything.


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