Reporter Confronts A Couple Canadian Bros Getting Ready To Do "Fuck Her Right In The Pussy"




Out of context “Were you guys waiting around to see if you could F her in the P me on live TV?” might be my favorite question of all time. And listen fellas, Fuck Her In The Pussy has kind of run it’s course. At some point you have to know when to quit on a joke and waiting around after a game just so you can get a FHRITP in seems a little much. Not to mention the fact that when confronted you had basically zero legitimate points (“but when else are you going to do it?” and “If it was England you’d have a dildo in your ear”) and I’m ruling this one for the newscaster. I’m all for some innocent fun on live television but that went from haha to douche chills in record speed. Fucking Canada, of course they’re still trying to do FHRITP, always a year behind everything cool that happens in the States. Little Brother to the max.

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