Brady's Agent Don Yee Sums Up What Everybody With A Brain Is Thinking In the United States #FreeBrady


Brady’s Agent Don Yee

“The discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis. In my opinion, this outcome was pre-determined; there was no fairness in the Wells investigation whatsoever. There is no evidence that Tom directed footballs be set at pressures below the allowable limits. In fact, the evidence shows Tom clearly emphasized that footballs be set at pressures within the rules. Tom also cooperated with the investigation and answered every question presented to him. The Wells Report presents significant evidence, however, that the NFL lacks standards or protocols with respect to its handling of footballs prior to games; this is not the fault of Tom or the Patriots. The report also presents significant evidence the NFL participated with the Colts in some type of pre-AFC Championship Game planning regarding the footballs. This fact may raise serious questions about the integrity of the games we view on Sundays. We will appeal, and if the hearing officer is completely independent and neutral, I am very confident the Wells Report will be exposed as an incredibly frail exercise in fact-finding and logic. The NFL has a well-documented history of making poor disciplinary decisions that often are overturned when truly independent and neutral judges or arbitrators preside, and a former federal judge has found the commissioner has abused his discretion in the past, so this outcome does not surprise me. Sadly, today’s decision diminishes the NFL as it tells its fans, players and coaches that the games on the field don’t count as much as the games played on Park Avenue.”



Don Yee nailed it.   Absolutely nailed it.   It’s as simple as this.   Anytime an independent arbitrator or independent judge has reviewed the disciplinary decisions that Roger Goodell has made they have not only reversed his rulings, but have chastised him and the league for gross misuse of power.   That is once again going to happen here.    But like I’ve been saying from day 1 this was never about protecting the integrity of the game or protecting the shield.  If it was they would have called the Patriots once the Colts tattle tattled and that would have ended it.  Instead they ran a sting operation designed solely to embarrass a player and organization that has kicked everybody’s teeth in for the past 15 years on the field.   And when that investigation fell flat on it’s face they decided to push forward anyway because this was never about fairness and truth.  It was always about guys like Mike Kensil and Jim Irsay trying to embarrass a team they can’t beat in the court of public opinion.  I just hope when this decision is reversed the press will cover it with the same vigor they have now and look for answers on how this spun out of control.

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