Even Joan Rivers Is Pumped About Getting The New iPhone


Mirror- The ghost of Joan Rivers (RIP) briefly posted a message on Facebook this morning saying that she was swapping her four-year-old iPhone for the latest version. Unfortunately, Rivers passed away on 4 September when she stopped breathing during routine throat surgery. The post – first noticed by celebrity gossip site TMZ – featured a picture of what looks like an iPhone 4 along with the message: “This badass is being replaced by an iPhone 6 (not the fat one). I got this one in 2010 and, after 4 years, my only complaint is that apps are now designed for bigger screens, and the battery is getting tired. Never had a case for it, since it was most beautiful on its own. Great achievement in design. Great product. #apple #iphone #tech.”  It’s a pretty glowing review, but it looks like her “people” forgot to delete some of her scheduled social media posts.


EVERYBODY wants a new iPhone 6 and I mean everybody.  Joan Rivers is all pumped up about the new release and she’s dead.  Apple is always on the cutting edge of everything and they’ve done it again.  Steve Jobs just can’t miss, can he?  Selling phones to dead people.  It’s genius.  You had to know it was going to happen eventually.  There’s so many fucking dead people that it was only a matter of time before a company tapped into that market.  How could you not?  You can’t just have a section of people that large and not try to sell them stuff.  I’m actually embarrassed for all of the companies who didn’t think of this first.  There’s way more dead people than of any other demographic.  There’s A TON of dead people.  Seems stupid nobody has done this before.  And of course Apple swooped in and signed one of the most popular dead people right now as their spokesperson.  Joan Rivers is the most sought after dead person at the moment.  Did Apple do it again or did Apple do it again?


I’ll take the lead on selling Barstool gear to dead people.  I’m not dead yet but it can’t be long now.  Hey dead people, you know what would make that coffin or mass grave you have no idea you’re in because your brain doesn’t work anymore a lot more comfortable?  A brand new Barstool hoodie!  The most comfortable sweatshirt I’ve ever owned.  Buy it here.

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