Jim McNally Is Very Clearly The Man Responsible For DeflateGate








I don’t understand how this Wells report is damning to the Pats. These are real, legitimate text exchanges between Jim McNally (Pats’ officials locker room attendant) and John Jastremski (Pats’ equipment assistant). How is it “more probable than not” that Brady was aware? Clearly McNally hates Tom. Clearly he was a mole in the organization. CLEARLY he was out to fuck Tom. How is no one pointing the finger at him? I bet he got into the Wells interrogation room and sung like a canary full of fibs about how Tom made him do it. Bill threatened to murder his family if he didn’t stick a pin in the ball. He didn’t even go to the bathroom before the game. LIES! IT WAS ALL LIES! This guy is clearly a half wit who couldn’t handle the pressure of NFL life and hated his boss, so he was willing to do anything to exact revenge. He openly admitted to fucking with Brady’s balls. He openly admitted to trying to destroy Brady’s passer rating and make the Patriots lose games. Is it such a stretch to think that he’d lie to try and destroy the pristine name of Tom Brady? I don’t think so. If the Patriots are guilty of anything it’s letting a Benedict Arnold into their midst and nothing else. Jim McNally better seek witness protection immediately because if Tom doesn’t go after him then I will.

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