This Rafa Cabrera-Bello Putt Hangs On The Edge Of The Hole For TWENTY SIX Seconds Before Dropping

26 seconds! That's so many seconds for a putt to hang on the edge of the hole. Before that video I would've said a ball could hang on the edge of a hole for 15 seconds max. After that, the ball ain't falling. Well I was wrong because Rafa Cabrera-Bello's ball hung there and hung there and hung there and hung there for 26 seconds before it dropped into the the hole. Incredible. By the way, if my research is correct, Cabrera-Bello unfortunately has to add a stroke for that. The rule states that the ball is allowed an extra 10 seconds to determine whether the ball is at rest. So yes it was cool but it'll still be another stroke on the scorecard.

Never Forget this Justin Thomas putt at the 2017 PGA Championship 

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