Astronaut Tweets Out His Cinco de Mayo Space Taco And It Looks Like Throw Up




Question. How quickly do you think the novelty of going to space wears off for the dudes up there?  Instantly?  I’m gonna say instantly.  The lead up is probably cool because you get to tell everybody you’re going to space.  Basically the best pick up line ever. “The sex we’ll have will be outta this world. Just like I will be soon.”  Panties, dropped.  The launch is obviously dope because you’re literally being launched off the planet by a bunch of ignited rocket fuel and there’s about 6 (didn’t Google this) people who can say they’ve done that.  Annnnnnnd then that’s it.  Pretty sure that’s where the coolness wears off.  Oh, maybe the first time you get to look back at Earth in the rearview.  But that’s for sure the end of space being great.  Cause then you’re just sitting up there eating shitty space tacos on Cinco de May that look like somebody ate it, threw it back up then ate it again and threw it back up again.


PS-  People always come at me with, “How good can the (Mexican food, Chinese food, Thai food, etc) be in Iowa? Gotta be gross.”  Well I’ll tell you this, it’s better than whatever puke they’re serving up in space.  Iowa 1, Space 0.

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