Tim Duncan In A Wife Beater With The Rest Of The Spurs Stumbling Drunk Out Of The Club After Their Game 7 Loss

TMZThe San Antonio Spurs PARTIED LIKE CHAMPS hours after they were eliminated … with Tim Duncan dragging one of his hammered teammates out of a nightclub … and TMZ Sports has the footage. Tony Parker, Tim Duncan, Boris Diaw and the rest of the squad hit up Project Club L.A. in Hollywood on Saturday right after losing a Game 7 thriller to the Clippers. You gotta check out the clip — Aron Baynes was in especially rare form … with Tim Duncan telling him to “Shut the f**k up” as he dragged the seemingly HAMMERED 28-year-old down the street. The whole thing is pretty hilarious … but props to the Spurs for making sure all the players had a safe ride home.

I’m not one to ever celebrate a loss or call it a moral victory or any of that silver linings stuff. Ordinarily being out at the club completely shitfaced partying after getting bounced in the first round would draw a lot of loser comments. If this was the Jets or something they would be the laughing stock of the sports world.

But if there’s one team that pulls this off, its the San Antonio Spurs. Its Tim Duncan. After winning 5 titles over 15 years with guys like Duncan Parker and Ginobli continuing to defy their bodies and defy age, they deserve this. After playing a 7 game series in the first round that could have been a Western Conference Finals showdown for the right to play for a title, the Spurs get to blow off a little steam. If I was looking over in the East and seeing the Hawks play the Wizards while my team had to go home, I’d go out and get blind drunk too. And after being a consummate professional and one of the best, most reliable super stars in sports history, Tim Duncan deserves to stumble out of the club in a wife beater. Fuck, even in this moment he was still in Dad Mode telling Aron Baynes to shut the fuck up. Its like no matter what Tim Duncan is always a cut above everyone else. I hope he was just hiding it really well and he really cut loose in that club. Ripping shots and blowing lines and smacking girls asses like “Fuck the NBA and their dumb ass playoff seeding! I’m Tim fucking Duncan! King Kong aint got shit on me!”

Because CLEARLY Aron Baynes was enjoying himself.

And if that dude was living it up then the studs on the Spurs certainly deserved to enjoy themselves too.

PS – If we’re being honest the wife beater makes this whole video. If Timmy is in a button down the whole thing loses its luster for me.

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