Shane Ray's Father With a Big Time Savage Move


KC -  One of the first times Shane Ray was old enough to remember meeting his dad was at the Jackson County jail, where Wendell was briefly locked up for non-payment of child support. “Wendell called and said, ‘I want to see my son,’ and I said, ‘In jail?’” Johnson recalled. “At the time, I thought it was a good idea, because Shane was cutting up so bad, I thought it might scare him a little bit and seeing his dad behind bars might change it.” The pat down, the bars and the bulletproof glass left an indelible impression on Ray, then a high school sophomore. “It was awful,” Wendell Ray said. “I’m sitting in there and he’s putting his hand on the glass and I’m putting my hand on the glass. ‘I love you, dad.’ ‘I love you too, son.’ That was hard. His mother’s sitting there crying. Yeah, it wasn’t a pretty sight at all.” After that, Wendell called Shane more often but still remained largely absent. “He never saw him play in high school,” Johnson said. When Ray signed his football scholarship with Missouri in February 2011, Wendell promised to come to the ceremony, but he never showed. “Shane cried so hard — 17, and crying so hard,” Johnson said. “He was like, ‘What do I need to do for him to love me?’ … Of course, as a mother you tell him ‘it’s not you’ and all the things you do as a mother, but that was very painful for him.”


What a fucking move! Never in his son’s life, first time he met him he’s in jail, never went to his games, and BOOM! what up, chillin at the pro day. So savage, because he knows all Shane wants is his father to love him. So he skipped those hard years and showed up for that first round signing bonus money. Unreal balls. And the Tshirt. Ho-ly shit. There are power moves, and there are power moves, and that is a power fucking move. Poor Shane. And to add insult to injury, he loves pot, now will be playing in Denver where it’s legal, and won’t be allowed to smoke it. Guy was a first round pick and somehow is still having a terrible month.

PS High as a motherfucker in his draft pic


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