It's Survival Of The Fittest Out There, So If You're 2 Years Old And Someone Steals Your iPad, You Lose


I couldn’t help but laugh at this video. It was just too easy. Dumb little two year old with his tiny little brain and still shitting his diaper is just standing there with an iPad. What are you going to do, not snatch it out of his hands? It’s so easy. We’ve all had those thoughts before, when you just know you can get away with something. And this guy just went for it. So much respect. It’s a dog eat dog world out there. You can’t be a dumb little toddler flaunting your iPad without consequences. Maybe that little asshole will think a little harder about what he’s doing next time so his shit won’t get stolen. Dumb baby. Have a better grip on your stuff one time for me.


PS: The fuck is a 2 year old doing with an iPad unattended just standing there? The ol baby on the corner trick?

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