Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy Who Likes Pulling Out Women's Teeth With Pliers During Sex?


NZ Herald- A court has heard how a woman had six of her bottom teeth removed with pliers, and her wisdom teeth removed with a screwdriver, as the trial of Philip Lyle Hansen continues. In the video, a woman, whose identity has been suppressed, explained how she took a drive with Hansen one evening. She said they parked up, and moved to the back seat of the car, to have sex. She alleges Hansen then pulled out a pair of pliers, and an oily rag. She alleged that while holding her against the door, Hansen then removed six of her bottom teeth with a pair of pliers, and threw them outside the car window. He used the oily rag to stop the bleeding, she said. The woman alleged Hansen told her to open her mouth, before he began to remove her teeth. “I think at the time he said he didn’t like woman with bad breath and smokers.”




Let’s all take a moment to be thankful.  Not thankful for this psychotic, tooth-pulling maniac.  No.  He’s clearly an asshole.  I’m talking about a moment to be thankful that we’re not into super duper weird and violent things in the bedroom (if you are, please sit out this moment.  Thank you).  After reading a story like this one, you can’t help but feel good about your own sex life.  I know I do.  I feel great.  It doesn’t happen often but this is one of those times I can be proud of myself and my endeavors in the bedroom.  Think about it.  Be happy that, when a woman somehow is nice enough to let you have sex with her, the thought of, “Alright, let’s pull some mother fucking teeth!” doesn’t appear in your head.  I don’t believe in anything but get down on your knees and be happy that doesn’t happen.  If that doesn’t happen to you then congratulations.  That’s a win.  A big win.  Because apparently that’s the thought that comes across this guy’s brain and he’s stupid enough to act on it and now is gonna go to jail for it.  Basically what I’m saying is be thankful that you’re not a crazy person.  Sure, maybe you have some weird sex thoughts going on up there but nothing too extreme I’d imagine..  Most of mine are, “YOU’RE REALLY DOING IT!” and “I’m a little out of breath but stay strong.”  No teeth pulling for this guy.


h/t michael

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