Stray Fox Makes Himself A Five-Decker Sandwich Using Only His Mouth




Do people still talk about this person or this animal being their spirit animal?  Because if they do, that stray fox is my spirit animal.  No doubt about it.  He’s what I strive to be like.  Just slugging down bread and pieces of meat in his mouth with no regard for his own life.  He could’ve easily choked.  Doesn’t matter.  Those reporters gave him those pieces of bread and he’s gonna use them all.  He’s an innovator, too.  Never knew about the next level until Dre did it.  Same thing applies here.  Never knew you could make a five-decker sandwich until this stray fox from Chernobyl came along and did it.  I’ve always been the loser who simply takes two pieces of bread, puts whatever ingredients I wanted between the two pieces and went on my merry way.  Totally oblivious to thinking outside the box and using half the loaf to make an even better sandwich.  All this time I didn’t know you could stack as many as five pieces of bread together to make a sandwich.  Two pieces of bread?  Great.  Even more pieces of bread?  Greater.  The math checks out.

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