Wake Up With A Did You Know: The Word "Hooker" For Prostitutes Was Named After A Civil War General

That man right there is General Joseph Hooker. Ole' Fighting Joe. He was a Union General so we can write this blog without being canceled. Was Fighting Joe a good general? Well...no. Sounds like he actually kind of sucked. When you google him Joe Hooker was most famously known for having a giant army and a giant lead in the Battle Of Chancellorsville. Then he blew it because he couldn't make quick decisions and decided not to attack the Confederate troops led by Robert E Lee. Robert E Lee stole his lunch. History knows his name, but not for being a losing general. We know it because the word "hooker" for prostitute was named after him. 

Why? Well...because he fucking loved hookers. LOVED them. Joe Hooker was the commander of the Potomac Army and while he wasn't a good field general, he was great in camp. He wanted to keep morale high for his soldiers. There was no better way to keep morale high than to have prostitutes in camp. At least that was the logic that Joe Hooker used. Or maybe it was just an excuse so he could continue to fuck prostitutes during the war. Either way, wherever Hooker's Army was camped, "Hooker's brigade" of women would accompany them. They'd have WILD parties at night with huge amounts of booze(another vice of Joe Hooker) and they'd have their fill of women. While this was intended to boost morale, there was such rampant STD infections that morale ended up being quite low. Hard to keep morale high when you're pissing needles. Either way, that is the how the slang word "Hooker" came to be. It has survived as an insult for 160 years. Have a good day. 

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