Hero Is Drawing Dicks Around Potholes To Finally Get Someone To Fill Them In


BBC – A mystery “road artist” has been drawing pictures of penises around potholes in Bury as a way to get the council to fix them.

“They [potholes] don’t get filled. They’ll be there for months,” says the artist, speaking to Newsbeat anonymously. “People will drive over the same pothole and forget about it. Suddenly you draw something amusing around it, everyone sees it and it either gets reported or fixed.”

Any college chick with an Instagram can tell you that Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. Well that’s exactly what this street artist, Wanksy, is out there doing. If you don’t like the way something is being handled, you don’t go out and burn your entire city to the ground. That doesn’t accomplish anything productive. Instead, you go out there and you just start drawing dicks on everything you hate because that’s what Gandhi would want you to do. Big veiny triumphant bastards on whatever parts of society piss you off the most. And potholes piss me off the most so I’m so glad that there’s a hero out there who is fighting on my team. I live in constant fear that today is going to be the day that I get a flat tire and have to admit defeat because I’m not man enough to know how to change it myself. Because it’s potholes. Potholes everywhere. But not anymore thanks to Wanksy. My knight in slimy armor.


Beautiful. I may not know a ton about art, but I know that this shit is worth millions.


Michelangelo would be proud of that last one.



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