Dave Franco Will Play Vanilla Ice In An Upcoming Biopic

"'We have been in development for a while but we are inching closer and closer to preproduction,' Franco said.

The news was quietly released in early 2019 through trade publication Production Weekly and included the longline: 'From a high school dropout selling cars in Dallas to having the first hip-hop single to top the Billboard charts with "Ice Ice Baby," a young Vanilla Ice struggles with stardom, extortion attempts, and selling out as he makes music history.'

Franco said if the project is done right, it will very much be like 'The Disaster Artist.'

'With that movie, people expected us to make a broad comedy where we make fun of Tommy Wiseau, but the more real we played it, the funnier and heartfelt it was — that's the tone we want for this one as well,' Franco said."

I think I actually kind of like this? At first glance, this isn't really a project I would care about. I don't find Vanilla Ice to be particularly interesting, and his recent streak of forced cameo's in crappy Happy Madison movies turned that neutral feeling to contempt. 

(His cameo in 'The Wrong Missy' isn't on youtube yet but it may be the worst of them all)

So just hearing the words "Vanilla Ice Biopic" don't really move the needle for me. HOWEVER, the fact that this will be done in the vein of 'The Disaster Artist' has definitely piqued my interest. That movie was both hilarious in the shots it took at Tommy Wiseau, but (like Franco said) strangely heartfelt in the end. It was a very tough movie to describe, but it was definitely enjoyable. 

Will it actually end up being as good? Who is to say. I just hope that Mr. Robert Van Winkle doesn't get any input on the final product. 

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