This Baltimore Protester Is Not A Fan Of CNN


I gotta say, that reporter handled that like an absolute pro. Bravo. Wasn’t phased one bit, just kept on dishing scoops despite being told to fuck his own face. Impressive. I would’ve dropped the mic and walked directly to the back of the unemployment line. Curtains for my journalism career. See ya. But this fella here. He’s a special breed. He’s got what it takes to make it to the top of the live protest-reporting mountain. Not only does he have composure, he’s a sick fuck that gets off  on this kinda shit. Look at this face.



He’s eating it up with a spoon. He’s in his happy place. And if having “Fuck CNN!” yelled right in his face on live television is his happy place, then I have no choice but to deem him as the next big thing in protest reporting. Do you, pal.

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