It Was Pretty Weird Seeing A Fat Marilyn Manson In Sons Of Anarchy Last Night


If you don’t watch Sons of Anarchy don’t worry there’s no spoilers in this blog, just fascination.  Fascination towards a guy who was a big deal in music about a decade ago popping up in one of my favorite TV shows seemingly out of the blue.  There he was, in the flesh.  That weird fucker Marilyn Manson playing role he was born to play, a Nazi shot-caller in prison.  He’s perfect for that role. PERFECT.  He’s creepy looking, he’s pale-skinned and he’s actually not a terrible actor either which I was surprised by.  Long removed from his days of making super weird music for kids who liked to wear black make up and rumors flying around about the time he cut out his own rib to suck his own dick*.  Or the rumor that he threw puppies into the crowd at one of his shows and wouldn’t start until they were dead (pretty sure that’s 100% a rumor by the way.  Has to be). I had heard that he was going to be in SOA in some facet but I didn’t know what he’d look like.  Looking back, he looks exactly like he should look.  Old, fat and covered in tattoos.  I don’t remember much about Marilyn Manson’s music from the past other than it was a fucking huge talking point in pop culture and he was blamed for a lot of the school shootings that happened at the time.  Parents hated him and his music, school officials hated him and his music and emo kids absolutely loved it.  I never listened to his music but I always remember being scared shitless of the kids who did.   I lost track of his career after high school and then all of the sudden there he was last night.  Re-surfaced as a character in Sons of Anarchy.  The world is a weird place.


*Did I make that part up or is it really part of the Marilyn Manson lore?  I could’ve swore at one time the rumor was going around that he sucked his own dick.  True or not, a weird rumor to have floating around about yourself.

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