Woman Says She Was Just Playing "The Zombie Game" When She Broke Into A Neighbor's House And Started Biting People's Faces


Daily Mail- A woman was arrested after breaking into a house, pushing a woman down the stairs, pulling her hair, biting her on the face, saying she was playing ‘the zombie game’.   Coos County, Oregon sheriff’s Sgt. Pat Downing says Jessica Rocha of Reedsport broke into the Lakeside home of 37-year-old victim Erica Tate in coastal city of Lakeside early Monday.  He says Rocha was likely drunk and high. Downing says there is no definite explanation for the zombie reference.  He says Rocha had property with a sticker that referenced a video game featuring zombies.  Deputies also speculate she may have been influenced by a scarecrow contest in the area. She is held on $77,500 bail and faces arraignment Monday.  She faces charges of attempted burglary, fourth-degree assault, harassment, unlawful entry to a motor vehicle and third-degree criminal mischief. There is no immediate record that she has a lawyer. 


Ohhhhhhh THAT zombie game.  You know that one where you force yourself into other people’s houses and start biting their faces?  Yep, that game.  That’s what she was doing.  This is just one big misunderstanding.  If the neighbors weren’t a bunch of out of touch losers then this whole thing could’ve been avoided.  Here’s how the zombie game works.  Someone starts out as the zombie and they go around kicking in people’s doors and biting them.  You can guess what happens then.  The person who gets bit is now the zombie and they now have to perform criminal acts to get into other people’s homes to bite them.  And around and around it goes.  Pretty simple once you get the hang of it.  Think of is as grown up person tag complete with the chance of blood, hurt feelings and eventual jail time for the person who’s “it”.  The fact that the person who had this woman arrested makes her a total noob in THE zombie game world.  Totally embarrassing.  Having her arrested when all she was doing was playing the zombie game is like being the kid who would yell “time out!” right before they were tagged.  Everybody fucking hated that kid and for good reason.  Kid was a punk. Don’t be that person as a grown up.  If a person busts into your house and starts gnawing on your face like a zombie, be a good sport and play along.  It’s just a game after all.

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