These Girls Are Going Viral For Not Knowing Shit About Good Music

 I almost fucking died when she made this face at 50

Miss Elliott ring a goddamn bell? Usher? Rihanna? Destiny's Child? Not here to shame anyone but again we're talking about notably historic jamz. And it's the arrogance that really gets me. I mean ladies can we at least act like you're trying. At least get one of them wrong. Don't just mail it in like a couple of DeVry applicants for fuckssake. Not how I want to start my Friday but at the same time I also didn't want to end my Thursday at 96 beers. But here we are guys. We're moving the ball down field today one HB slam at a time. 

Elsewhere and kinda related, Remix To Ignition is my #1 from early 2000's. I'm not here to talk about the merits of R-Kelly's transgressions. I'm just saying that one song like 18 years ago basically changed my life. Got my first handjob while this played. She's married now with kids but the song still slaps

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