Iowa Women, Ages 91 and 90, Got Married This Weekend After 72 Years Together



Metro- Reverend Linda Hunsaker, who presided over the long-awaited ceremony, told the couple and their guests: ‘This is a celebration of something that should have happened a very long time ago.’ They finally exchanged vows in front of a small group of family and close friends at the First Christian Church in Davenport. Iowa first began allowing same-sex marriage in 2009. The women met while growing up in their hometown of Yale, Iowa, and have been together for 72 years. In 1947, they moved to Davenport to set up home, where Vivian worked as a teacher and Alice held various payroll positions. The couple are well travelled – they’ve been to every single US state, all the provinces in Canada and they have visited England twice. Of their relationship that’s lasted over seven decades, Vivian notes that it’s taken a lot of love and hard work, while Alice simply says: ‘We’ve had a good time.’


So not your typical Barstool story here with two super old lesbians finally getting married in the state of Iowa this weekend but fuck it.  After all of the depressing news about Ray Rice and his uncanny ability to punch his wife and get away with it this morning, I figured we could use some good news.  And what better news is there than senior citizen lesbians tying the knot after 72 years of being together? There isn’t anything better, that’s the answer to the question.  Not to mention our fearless leader once famously said “I love fucking gays” and that rings true to this employee as well.  I love fucking gays.  They’re cool with me.  Always have been and always will be.  These two old ladies seems cool too.  Just straight chillin in their wheel chairs getting hitched as they both near the century mark in age.  Living out the final years as a legally married couple. Warms my cold blogger heart.  I have to wonder though, why do it now?  Why get married now?  Iowa legalized gay marriage back in 2009 (before it became en vogue everywhere else because we’re societal trail blazers here in this state) but even then, if the system has been fucking you and your partner over for 70 years why feel the need to do it at all?  I know gay couples get married because it’s beneficial in numerous ways in the eyes of the government but that can’t be the reason these two got married.  But hey, if the reason behind them getting married was simply ceremonial then I say god bless.  Special moment for those two.


PS- I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking and we don’t have to feel weird about it.  I wouldn’t mind seeing a few pictures of these two in their younger days.  Ya know, just to see what they looked like back then.  I don’t care who you are, if you say you don’t want to see pictures of those two 90 year old broads back in the day to see if they were hot or not, you’re flat out lying to all of us.  We’re in the Trust Tree here.

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