If You Can't Laugh At This Rabbit Having Sex For Two Seconds Then Maybe Dying, You're Empty Inside



And that’s how you leave it all out on the field.  Getting it in all the way up until he flat lined.  The rest of us can only hope to go out like that.  Rough, passionate, two-second love making and then instant death.  What a hero.  The form on the death dismount was second to none too.  Bust, clinch up, heart failure, fall over to the side.  You couldn’t have scripted it any better.  I’m only saying he died because that’s the better story.  Maybe he died, maybe he didn’t.  Maybe he did like all of us do after underwhelming short sex.  Fall asleep as fast as possible and deal with the shame at a later date.  Or never acknowledge it at all.


PS- Was the dude who filmed this just chillin waiting for the rabbit to mount?  And I thought bloggers had a weird job.

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