FDA Says Children Suffering From ADHD Can Now Be Prescribed...Video Games???

(CNN) - The first video game-based treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  The video game, called EndeavorRx and approved on Monday, will be prescription only and aimed at children between the ages of eight and 12 with certain types of ADHD.  It will be used alongside other treatments, such as clinician-directed therapy, medication and educational programs.  ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder which is usually first diagnosed in children and can last into adulthood. Approximately 4 million children aged six to 11 are affected by ADHD, the symptoms of which include difficulty staying focused and paying attention and difficulty controlling behavior.

BELIEVE IT. It's only one game and I have no idea if it's entertaining or not, but if it works, why the hell not?  Only the true old senile coots and those not in tune with how society works in the 21st century are against the gaming world, and will always be opposed.  So if video games can help children with ADHD, then I say that's all well and good. 

It's actually crazy to think about.  Imagine just 20 or so years ago thinking that by 2020 you could legally be prescribed marijuana and video games by a licensed doctor in these United States.  Go America, go.  

PS - Speaking of which, we're live on Twitch now.  Come thru and let's have what I'm sure will be a logical, mature, and sane discussion in the chat. 

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