Dude Somehow Shoves A Massive Cow Into The Back Of His Hatchback And Drives Off


Looks like me every Friday and Saturday night when I leave the bar.  That’s a fat chick joke.


Honestly, if you’re the owner of that cow you shouldn’t even want it back.  You shouldn’t press charges either against the thief.  You should just be impressed.  That’s all.  Watch that video and simply say, “I’m not even mad.  That’s amazing.  He got me.” because do you know how impossible that is?  Taking a massive cow and shoving it into the back of a hatchback?  You probably don’t and I don’t either but I have to imagine it’s fucking difficult.  But this guy managed to do it in about 11 seconds flat then drove off like it was nothing.  I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he’s a professional cow stealer and this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to surveillance videos of him corralling barn animals into his car.  He showed too much skill and precision for that to be his first time doing it.

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