Novak Djokovic Almost Makes A Ball Boy Shit Himself



I’m gonna promote a little violence here.  That kid should’ve socked Novak Djokovic in the jaw.  Just laid him out cold in front of the crowd and all the ESPN cameras.  Left him bloody and crying.  I don’t know the context of what happened there but fuck Djokovic in that moment.  He’s a ball boy bruh.  You know what probably sucks?  Being a ball boy.  You get yelled at by entitled athletes who play a giant form of ping pong all day long.  It doesn’t exactly look glamourous.  Not to mention the dude was bringing Novak a towel.  Just doing his job and Novak decided it’d be a good time to bite the kid’s head off.  To take it a step further, anybody ever yells in your face like that for no particular reason, put them on their back.  Make it count.  Life’s too short to take shit like that from some asshole.

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