This Chick Does NOT Appreciate The Washer and Dryer Being Taken When She Needs To Do Laundry

Reddit - Crazy neighbor freaked out because I was doing laundry. I started recording her temper tantrum. Pulled out my phone after she said she was going to throw my stuff away. She wasn’t too happy I was catching her tempertantrum on camera.

Love this bitch. I mean if you can’t respect the frustration of setting some time aside to do your laundry then going down to find the machine taken I don’t know what to tell you. Such a pain in the ass. Been putting it off forever, ran out of underwear, ran out of old shorts you were using as underwear, ran out of basically every essential you need to leave the house not naked. Finally make some moves to take care of it, go out and buy the Pods, the dryer sheets…anddddd some asshole is hogging the thing all night. The worrrrsttt. Granted I’d probably just say “ugh, fuck” and go back home and try again next week, but screaming at the top of your lungs and calling your lawyers and 911 seems like an acceptable next move too. To each their own. Laundry’s a bitch. Only thing worse is having to fold it after.

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