This 2006-07 Florida Panthers Intro Video Is A Piece Of Work

As G blogged earlier, friend of the program/influencer Alex Killorn and a few of his Lightning teammates made a pretty sweet D2 video homage to celebrate the planned return of NHL action in a couple of months. Killorn dropped the video on his Instagram feed where he also features his popular IG show "Dock Talk" that he started in April. 

This had the unintended but hilarious ripple effect of retired NHLer and current Sportsnet analyst Anthony Stewart tweeting out an old Florida Panthers intro video from their 2006-07 season.

Holy shit, that is something. Not sure what. But it's something. From video game-lookin' Olli Jokinen to the brutal cover of a Phil Collins classic to Eddie the Eagle to Bert tickling the ivories to Nieuwendyk shooting pool to Weiss getting cockblocked, there's quite a bit going on here. Then you add in the cheesy smoke, dated graphics, unspoken nods, a seemingly bewildered Mike Van Ryn, the guy on Belfour's right, and it's an instant classic 14 years later. 

Go Cats. 

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