This 2 Minute Highlight Reel Of The Infinity Saga Is Fucking Incredible

When I heard people were going to watch/rewatch the entire Infinity Saga to pass the time when this quarantine started a million years ago, I was exhausted at the thought of how much time it would take just to stare at a screen for hours. But to comb through all those movies to find some sort of symmetry between all of the relevant characters, edit everything together absolutely FLAWLESSLY, and put it in 4K as well as Surround Sound so even the biggest media hardos on the planet would have trouble nitpicking is so above my brain power, it makes my head hurt. Granted, I am an extremely simple man with an even simpler mind that occasionally catches himself saying "huh huh huhhhhhh" when some crazy action sequence takes place. So if you told me that a super computer on the level of that big bitch Ultron actually did all this, I would believe you. I guess Gugga Leunam could be the name of a supercomputer or some crazy advanced editing software where you uploaded all the MCU movies and it spit out a visually stunning supercut like the one above. But I am going to believe that it Gugga is a human because I am #TeamHuman for life (Unless Jeff Bezos is in charge of the machine army because I am #TeamBezos forever).  

So you have my respect Leunnam for the most impressive editing I have ever seen outside of any Barstool video that makes me appear even remotely funny or interesting because turning my cream cheese ass into any sort of entertaining content is truly a miracle.

Here are the other 4 rides through the MCU if you have time to watch them and lets be honest, we all have time to watch them even if they weren't like 10 minutes total.

P.S. It has to be said even though it doesn't have to be said. Iron Man is cleeeeeeeearly the hero of the Infinity Saga. RIP my dog TONEY STARK

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