This Baby Clapping Inside The Womb Is Weird As Hell And Will Probably Kill Us All


Fox News – YouTube user Jen Cardinal posted an incredible ultrasound video Thursday of her 14-week-old unborn baby “clapping along” as she and her physician sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” as her husband films.

She explained in the comments under the video, “The experience is one I’ll never forget, the baby clapped three times, then the doctor rewound and scrubbed it while we sang. No mystery. It was amazing.”


This one’s going viral now and with headlines implying this is so awesome or that the kid should be a musician or something. In reality, I’ve never been creeped out by anything from real life as much as this. Those bony little underdeveloped fingers clapping is unnatural and weird as hell, especially with the baby’s face shrouded in darkness like Christoph Waltz in the Bond trailer. It’s just so unsettling to see. I’m not normally a big forcible abortion guy but I’m willing to make an exception here just to be safe. There are things babies do and things they don’t. Drooling, rolling around, playing important parts in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, all fine relative to the ages. But never clapping in the womb. A man has to draw the line somewhere for the good of mankind.


I’ll never have a chance to embed this in any other blog so might as well go all the way in on filler while we’re here:

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