This Is One Of The Sickest Hands You'll See Playing Heads Up For Nearly $1,000,000


I want you to look at that screenshot and decide if you are Alex, the player with 2 seconds left to make a decision, what hands you are calling with. This is heads up in a $10k with $920,000 for first place.

Ready for the hand?




Oh my days is right! I don't know what's sicker, the bluff or the call, but it's definitely the King high call. That's just filthy. Alex had his range pretty much narrowed down to the 53ss. It's just so absurd how good these people are. 

The bluff is sick too though because of course he knew Alex was light. The whole thing is bananas when you also are realizing they are playing for the title of the SCOOP Main Event and $920,000 for first place. 


I know there are still some people who think poker, especially online poker, is "luck". Let me tell ya, it's just not. Of course there is luck involved in some spots, but it's a predominately a skill game. There's a reason Jake (co-host of Cracking Aces) prints money playing online in New Jersey- he studies the game, uses solvers, and works really hard off the table so he cleans up on it. And so do all the top players. They put in the work off the table so they can dominate on it. 

If you want to learn more about how to win at poker, check out Cracking Aces. It's a poker podcast where we talk strategy, the hottest news and gossip, talk to the top players, and much more.


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