And Here Is the Reason Brady and Jordan Among Others Are Hanging Out in the Bahamas: Will McDonough's Bachelor Party



First of all somebody do me a favor and check in on Wes Welker to make sure he’s still alive after this instagram post.  17 rings and Wes ain’t 1 of em.  Ouch.    On the bright side at least he’s not wearing Brady’s hat so that’s a point for him.

Anyway so this is the reason this all star cast of characters were all in the Bahamas.  It was Will McDonough’s birthday.  Not the sportswriter who is dead, but Tom Brady’s best friend.  I actually blogged about this cat back in 2008.   He is the real life E from Entourage.   He somehow managed to hook his anchor to Tom Brady and it’s been nothing but rose pedals since.




So to answer the question I posed 7 years ago yes I guess being friends with big time people makes you big time.   Because anybody who has Brady, Jordan and this cast of characters at their bachelor party is A list even if nobody really knows who they are or what they do.   Not sure it it was luck or talent or just great ass kissing but there is no doubt it’s great to be Will McDonough.  Not bad for a Westwood kid from BC.


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