#GirlDad Isnt A Little Bitch Boy So He Shakes His Ass To Ariana Grande

There is something so freeing about not being tied to the archaic manly standards of society. The manliest shit this dude can do is dance with his kids and shake his ass. That's what it's all about, folks. It's the hokey pokey in that regard. It's wearing a pink shirt, driving a yellow truck, crying in front of your kids, empathizing with their failures, and celebrating their successes. It's about looking silly for a season so that the memories stay like the aroma of cinnamon at a Vermont road-side donut stand. 

You whoop some dudes' asses as a younger man, you grow, you meet a lovely woman OR MAN, fall in love, have children, turn the youtube machine on via the firestick and shake your ass like no one is watching even though now... at any time, the entire world could very well be watching. You know who else is watching? The kiddo. She's watching her dad cut the ole rug and not give a fuck about anything but the beat and moving his feet with her. Butterfly kisses like you hear about at the first dance of her wedding. Incredible. 


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