Louisville's Wayne Blackshear With The Classiest Posterization Of A Reporter Ever


Q: Do you feel Kentucky is getting too cocky with being so close to undefeated?

A: No, not at all–I mean, I don’t understand that question–it has nothing to do with me or my team. I guess you guys want to get a sound bite to enhance a rivalry story but I have high respect for those guys. I know a lot of them and they’ve always shown me great respect as well, including Coach Calipari. I mean, I’ve saw nothing cocky from them. They are a great group of guys who conduct themselves with dignity. I saw some of the comments from WVU players so if those guys want to respond then I think they should but I will hopefully worry about Kentucky April 6th and right now I want to talk about NC State so I want to get to the guys who can ask a real question.



This was in the roundup this morning but thought it deserved its own post for the people whose computers can’t handle the GIF and Vine action. Wayne Blackshear with the classiest poster dunk on a reporter’s face ever. Hey hack, go troll for soundbites somewhere else.

Questions getting blocked like Northern Iowa breakaways.



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